In just the twenty minutes or so that I took to look into the sugar refining process this morning, I ran across several websites and book reviews by those committed to the concept of organic farming and food awareness. In looking up the requirements for an ADA-approved curriculum in order to earn a Registered Dietitian status, I learned that there are many branches inside of the American Dietetic Association, including policy-making. Click on the ADA’s website to learn more and to see how quickly the knowledge base is growing within the nutrition community. From there, I ran into a name I had not seen in a while, so I found myself reading about the original organic movement first organized by J.I. Rodale, now the Rodale Institute. Their website includes lots of resources, including current research and organic food and living as portrayed by the world’s media. It was here that I stumbled upon a review of Robyn O’Brien’s book The Unhealthy Truth, a title focused mainly on the new epidemic of children’s allergies and the concerns surrounding them.
Oh, and “Sugar in the Raw” is not the most raw sugar out there, btw. In fact, not only is it mostly refined, it is also the product of a company called Cumberland Packing Corporation. These guys also package Sweet ‘N Low and Stevia in the Raw….they have a great marketing plan in action! I will be poking around to find a more widely available option for truly raw sweetener very soon.