
My son is snuggled up in bed, snoozing while cuddling up with his dad under our warm down duvet. Little guy turned ten months yesterday. We spent a couple hours with friends at the park by the river, watching the sun set behind the New Orleans skyline, passing around the frisbee, and dancing to electronica. Here we are just days away from Christmas and the air was mild, just a gentle breeze blowing over the Mississippi. I am deeply thankful for all days, but especially for beautiful ones like today.

For the first time, he noticed a jet going overhead the other day and followed it with his gaze. He babbles in complete sentences and inconsistently uses his signs. He gives me approving smiles and laughs when I correctly guess what it is that he wants. And we’ve got the naps down now, I think!
These past ten months have been the best days of my life. 
