Lots of changes happening around here! I have officially left Iris, my bar home for the past three years. I haven’t moved, haven’t really gone anywhere. I’ve been teaching, and writing, and cooking, mostly. I was enjoying a dedicated yoga practice…until….
I decided that what I really want to do is start teaching holistic mixology workshops here in New Orleans. So I’ve thrown myself into the development of this project and given myself a challenging deadline of April 24. Just a couple weeks later, a Series of 4 workshops will follow. All of the events will be held at Iris. You can read more about them and register here.
I realize that holistic mixology may not appeal or even make sense to everybody. That’s ok. I really just want to have the opportunity to share many of the things that I’m passionate about under one roof: drinks that taste delicious, fresh ingredients, health and feelin’ good, science, and nature. These workshops are a step in the right direction. I hope you’ll join me….