So for as much as I do not like reading or writing about cocktails, I am anxiously waiting to get my mits on a bottle of Snap. I tried a taste last week and it is exactly what I have been waiting for to make my dream cocktail, inspired by kadaife, one of my favorite desserts. After over a year of searching, I was finally able to locate a package of shredded phyllo, which resembles shredded wheat, to make kadaife at home (since none of the Middle Eastern restaurants in New Orleans serve it, apparently). The dessert was just as amazing as I remember it though still a pain in the ass to make. It is chock full of butter and sugar, has a great texture that is crunchy as well as sticky and sweet, some beautiful spice, and the saltiness of nuts. It is pretty much the perfect dessert.
I have wanted to build a cocktail modeled after kadaife for a long time, ever since I started fantasizing about pairing the walnut liqueur with the rosewater….Snap is the missing link. It has a doughy sweetness with hints of vanilla and a nice, buttery texture that has just the right amount of weight to hold up to the walnut. It is made by Art in the Age, the same company that makes Root, a very different but equally tasty special adult beverage. Bonus: Snap is organic. Somebody please bring me a bottle with a quickness!