The Latest and Greatest

A lot has been happening with me lately. So much has been happening, in fact, that I have not taken the time to write about it, except to myself. I’ve decided to take this blog a lot more seriously by writing more regularly, and a lot less seriously at the same time, by not caring so much what I write about. Basically, it’s about to get way more personal up in here.

One of my most exciting recent finds is the Elephant Journal out of Boulder. The authors at this site just keep bringing the goodness. In addition to the insight I get from various blog contributors, I’ve read more books in the past couple of months than I’ve read in the past couple of years. And, funnily enough, I’ve finally taken a good, long look at Buddhism, of which I realize I’ve only ever had a superficial understanding. One of my new heros is a sharp character named Robina Courtin. She seemed fascinatingly rough around the edges for what I expected from a Buddhist nun, so I was intrigued by this lecture she gave at Google.

That’s all for now.