I just want to have a few minutes each day to stretch, ok?
Yes, I would love a full yoga practice. That sounds luxurious.
But, alas, that is not what I get because I have a very active and curious toddler (!).
So, I improvise.
Making breakfast? Bust out a few warrior poses (1 & 2) while the oatmeal is cooking in the microwave (I’m a bit ashamed to publicly admit that I use the microwave, now more than ever–and that’s still not much by present American standards, but I digress).
Supervising toddler at play? Keep the mommy spidey senses acutely aware of all hand to mouth movements while sittting to stretch hammies and inner thighs.
And today I am sore!
I was able to bust out a pretty intense 20 minute or so yoga workout yesterday during a particularly long nap.
I’ve put my computer up on the counter so that I can type while standing, and therefore striking some kind of pose.
Every little bit helps. Some days are better than others. I’ll take what I can get.