A Refined Palate

A young bartender/male model/med student was sitting at my bar this past weekend and did not enjoy either of the cocktails that he ordered.  When I spoke to him about what could be the problem–and I knew it wasn’t me because the drinks had passed my usual scrutiny–he complained that he had not yet “developed… Read More

Energetic Exploration

In preparation for the workshop I am offering in January, I have been re-reading a book by Anodea Judith called Eastern Body, Western Mind.  In it, she offers insight into the chakra system within the realm of Western psychology.  Today, I ran across a quote I had inscribed on a page the first time I… Read More

Adventures in Education

Today I have been exploring ways to effectively convey my ideas for a new smoking cessation program.  It seems that every time I think about it, another encounter with yet another person encourages me to get it together.  I have no idea how long it will take to “perfect” something like this, but I am… Read More

Raw is Refined?

In just the twenty minutes or so that I took to look into the sugar refining process this morning, I ran across several websites and book reviews by those committed to the concept of organic farming and food awareness.  In looking up the requirements for an ADA-approved curriculum in order to earn a Registered Dietitian… Read More

What’s in your Margarita?

In the last several years, the movement towards nutritional awareness has been gaining momentum.  We have reached a time when a significant portion of our population does not want to ingest artificial ingredients or sweeteners and even requires that their makeup and skin care products be “pure”.  In light of this transition, most people are… Read More