What makes a king out of a slave? Courage!
It takes courage to question what others think is good for you and to trust what you know is good for you. But in the end, it feels really good to pass the test. Read More
It takes courage to question what others think is good for you and to trust what you know is good for you. But in the end, it feels really good to pass the test. Read More
Have you heard about the Hangover Pill? How about The Red Pill? Here’s the secret: Pay attention to how much you drink and stop drinking before you get drunk. Read More
For my entire adult life I have held the false belief that I was not engaging unless I was drinking, that I needed a drink to relax and help “take the edge off”, and I didn’t really have fun at the party because I didn’t get sick or pass out. I have never felt so alive, present, healthy, and truly authentic with the people I love the most. And in New Orleans, no less! Read More
Today is the first day of the new summer menu and I must say, it is a huge relief. Developing a new menu consumes my brainpower. Sometimes my first thought upon waking is what garnish needs to go on that new drink….or how the current one could be improved. I know I could benefit greatly… Read More
A lot has been happening with me lately. So much has been happening, in fact, that I have not taken the time to write about it, except to myself. I’ve decided to take this blog a lot more seriously by writing more regularly, and a lot less seriously at the same time, by not caring… Read More