Happy Henna

I have been coloring my naturally dark blond hair for many years (I’ve had everything from jet black to platinum blond, purple, and fire-engine red, to name a few….), but eventually I looked for ways to avoid piling tons of chemicals on my head only to watch my brilliant color fade after just a couple… Read More

Please Show Me a Sign.

Ok, I admit it: I love getting fortune cookie fortunes and I always try to imagine how they fit into my life. How does this apply to me right now, or my future, as the case may be? I always ask myself. The most inspiring fortunes are taped to my laptop and I read them… Read More

It’s not really camping.

I am teaching yoga at Girl Scout camp for the next three weeks. I’m sleeping in a bunk bed and meditating on the back porch among the mosquitoes. There is gossip in the counselor’s quarters, drama over the walkie-talkies, and very bad snacks for the girls to buy. I am honored to be here to… Read More

The Latest and Greatest

A lot has been happening with me lately. So much has been happening, in fact, that I have not taken the time to write about it, except to myself. I’ve decided to take this blog a lot more seriously by writing more regularly, and a lot less seriously at the same time, by not caring… Read More

Beautifully Simple

I have had a couple of conversations recently with friends who have very little knowledge about yoga.  It is always interesting being aware of the stereotypes and stigmas associated with something so personal to me. Practicing yoga over the last several years has benefited me greatly and, yes, I would even say changed my life. … Read More